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NEW Online Attendance

We have a new tool to help with attendance this year. We’re asking families to try
and use this tool rather than calling in to the attendance line. We can still use the
old way, but this tool is a lot slicker than before.

Online Attendance Directions

Link to Online Attendance Campus Parent

f you have any questions, please email

OLD WAY for Attendance

Conifer High School’s 24-hour attendance line is 303-982-5240.

To have your student dismissed within an hour of your call, press "1" when the attendance recording begins to speak to someone who can send a red pass to your student’s classroom.

For all other attendance issues, please leave your student’s name, date of the absence, reason for the absence and relationship to your student on the recording.

If your student has been mistakenly marked absent for a class, it is the student's responsibility to speak with that teacher and clear the issue.

All calls must be received by 3 p.m. the day following the absence.

Excused Absences

A list of acceptable reasons for an absence may be found in the Jeffco Code of Conduct. Absences will be considered excused for medical illness, family emergencies, court dates, religious holidays or prearranged school-approved activities only. The school may request a doctor’s note for excessive absences. Refer to the Jeffco Board policy JH-R.

Students will not be excused from classes to complete assignments or to prepare for other classes, including tests or projects. Absences due to sleeping late, car problems or traffic will not be excused. Senior “ditch day” is not a valid excuse.

Makeup Work

Usually, the time allowed to make up work is twice the number of classes or days missed (two days allowed for makeup work for each day of absence) However, students need to check with each teacher and syllabus for makeup work policies. Students may check their Google Classroom for missed assignments.

All students are required to sign in or out in the main office when arriving late or leaving the building for appointments or early dismissals.

Prearranged Absences

Students who know in advance they will be absent from regularly scheduled classes for more than two days should obtain a prearranged absence form from the main office. The completed form with parent signature should be turned in at least three days prior to the absence.

Compulsory Attendance

Students under the age of 17 are required by state law to attend school. Administrators will initiate the truancy process and court hearings for those students who have excessive absences. Students 17 years of age and older who have excessive unexcused absences will be encouraged to seek other educational options and may be withdrawn from school based on an attendance-behavior contract.

Attendance Interventions

The following steps will occur in the event of student absences from school:

  • The phone system will call home each evening to report absences that have not been excused by 3 p.m. that day.
  • Administrative interventions may include parent contact, conferencing, disciplinary action and initiating truancy processes.
  • Skipping class can result in a loss of privileges, such as parking pass, free period, off campus privileges, etc. 

Attendance in Jeffco

The importance of regular, daily school attendance as a basis for academic achievement cannot be overemphasized. Attendance is a shared responsibility of the student, the families and the school.

It is the family’s responsibility to ensure their student attends school and to notify the school when their student is absent for a legitimate reason, such as an illness or family emergency. Each family should also ensure their student’s school has their correct contact information so that the school is able to communicate about any attendance issues that may arise.