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Academic Support

Conifer High School offers a variety of academic supports and resources for students throughout the school day and school year.

Credit Recovery

Many students face challenges. Credit recovery at Conifer High School helps students get back on track.

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Learning Center Word

Learning Center

The Conifer Learning Center is a place to supplement or enhance classroom instruction by providing students with individualized help in various curricular areas.  

The Learning Center is:

  • A response to the intervention model to provide individualized instruction.
  • A place for all students to come for help in various curricular areas.
  • A place for one-on-one instruction and guidance.
  • A place where students will feel comfortable asking questions and seeking help.
  • A place for students in academic trouble to receive intense instruction and guidance to complete work.

Study Hall

Students in ninth and 10th grade are automatically enrolled in a study hall as a seventh class. Study hall is an additional structured time within the school day for students to complete their homework. This is a required 90-minute class period. Students are expected to have homework or academic reading material with them on a daily basis. Course credit is based on academic engagement and attendance.  

Lobo Lab

LAB- is designed for academic intervention, access to teachers, club meetings, student work time, test/quiz make-up, and enrichment activities. Each 35 minute LAB is a responsive scheduling period. This means teachers are able to “recruit” students to their LAB when they recognize needs. If a student is not recruited by a teacher, they are able to select any teacher they would benefit from attending. We highly encourage students to self-select a LAB that benefits their success, as this is an important durable skill for all students. If a student does not select a LAB, they are assigned randomly to teachers who have seats available that day. All responsive scheduling is done through Infinite Campus, and students are able to select using  their phones or a chromebook.It is a pass-fail class determined by attendance and is mandatory for all students.  

We have modified LAB next year by creating a second (B) LAB. This allows students to select 2 teachers per day, instead of one. If a student wishes to remain in a teacher’s room for the duration of both LAB periods, they may select that option and remain with the teacher uninterrupted. Students must be in the room that Infinite Campus has on record for that day. We hope that our students who miss classes at the end of the day for athletics and activities will utilize this additional access to teachers.

Lobo Loop

Lobo Loop is a short period – 15 minutes – before Lobo Lab on Green Days. It is similar to homeroom where students are assigned a teacher their freshman year and loop with that teacher throughout their high school career at Conifer.

Students are not allowed to visit other teachers during this time and go to their Loop teacher before going to lab. Occasionallythere may be lessons, class meetings, to-do activities or assemblies during this time. It is a pass-fail class determined by attendance and is mandatory for all students.


Throughout the year math and English teachers hold practice sessions with small groups of students to go over practice questions from previous SAT tests. Most of these sessions are scheduled during Lobo Lab.