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Curriculum in Jeffco

Jeffco Public Schools’ curriculum and academic programs provide a quality education that prepares students for a successful future.

The hope is that transparency in curriculum resources will build community understanding of the high expectations of the Colorado Academic Standards, which Jeffco students are expected to meet, as outlined in the units of study for each content area.

Jeffco curriculum will be updated as the Colorado Department of Education reviews and approves state standards.

Conifer High School Course Guide

Take a look at the courses offered for students at Conifer High School.

Conifer HS Course Guide

High School Curriculum

Jeffco’s high school course of study is based on Colorado Academic Standards and prepares students for success in their postsecondary endeavors.

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Social Emotional Learning Curriculum

Grades pre-k through 12 provide direct instruction of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) using a research-based, Jeffco-supported curriculum.

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Literacy Curriculum Transparency Icon - Colorado Read Act