Library & Research
The Conifer High School library is the hub of student learning and the heart of the school. It’s a place where students come to study, read, research, create, and connect with peers.
Our library is unique because we share the space with the Jefferson County Public Library. Every CHS student is required to have a Jeffco Public Library card. Please see a librarian to sign up.
Conifer library hours are 8:15 a.m.-4 p.m. JCPL hours are Monday through Thursday, 4-8 p.m., 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Book Recommendations
Lobo Book Club
Connect with others over books!
Sponsor: Mrs. McIntosh
Meet: During Labs once a month
President: Alexandra
Secretary: Jay
Marketing: Sage
Currently Reading:
Conifer High School library has many services available to our students and staff, as well as events throughout the year to promote literacy and belonging! We partner with JCPL to bring many teen events to Conifer. Follow us on Instagram and watch for flyers in the library for these events or look for a Lobo Lab session that offers one of these events.
Makerspace and ‘brain breaks’
The library has a variety of makerspace materials to create, including origami, 3D pens, button makers. Brain break activities include cards, games, Zen garden/coloring, puzzles, chess, and checkers. Please see a librarian for more information on how to check these items out.
3D printer
The library has a 3D printer! Students can print designs for free by uploading their .stl file. Or, sign up for a Lobo Lab session to learn how to create with a 3D printer.
Follow the steps to print at school from your school Chromebook.
Device charging
The library has free charging stations for phones, calculators and other mobile devices, along with numerous USB and electrical outlets for student use.
Reserve the conference room
The library has one large conference room that students, staff and public patrons can reserve for video and audio recording, group projects, online interviews, tutoring, meetings or a variety of other needs. Please see a librarian to book this room. Public patrons must book through a public librarian during regular public library hours.
Loaner devices
Loaner devices, chargers, headphones and microphones are available for daily checkout in the library. Lost chargers may be purchased from the financial secretary for $27. Extra chargers are available in each classroom to borrow for that class period. Anything with bright pink tape belongs to the school and will be charged to the student if lost.
School supplies
The library provides free supplies to use for school projects, such as colored pencils, glue, scissors, rulers and notecards. Please ask a librarian for what you need.
Research Supports
Remember to think about your sources! It's as easy as ABC: authority, bias and currency.
The Research Process Media Literacy Flyer
Need help with research? Book a librarian!